I've been testing recipes found on the Interwebs lately. I am convinced that we can make foods comparable to the pastas, breads, and other grain-filled comfort foods we love but can't eat on this diet. Luckily, the Paleo diet has been around for a while now, and blogs are full of SCD legal (or almost legal and tweakable) recipes.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Die-Off Syndrome: The Herxheimer Response
As explained in detail in the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet
, the intestines of people with gastrointestinal issues,
such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's, celiac disease, and
ulcerative colitis, are overgrown with bacteria and yeast. These
organisms typically live in the large intestine, but given the right
conditions, they overpopulate the large intestine and migrate to the
small intestine and, in severe cases, the stomach. (Please see the book
for a more detailed description of this process.)
All of these bacteria are eating the starchy, sugary
foods your damaged intestines can't digest, releasing waste products
and toxins that further damage your intestines. The bacteria contain
toxins in their cell walls that are released when they die. These
toxins make you sick. When many bacteria die at once, they all
release toxins at the same time. Taking antibiotics or antifungal
medication can cause die-off, as can changing your diet to eliminate
the foods these bacteria eat, effectively starving them.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
A New Plan
As my last post made apparent, we were not as adequately prepared for this journey as I thought we were. The last couple of days have made that fact even more clear. We left the house for too long a time without appropriate snacks. By the time James got Hulk SMASH Hungry, the only close place for food was Dairy Queen. Needless to say, they do not have anything SCD legal on their menu. By the time we got home 20 minutes later, James was already feeling the pains of a poor food choice, and those pains lasted well into today. And again today, a similar scenario, but with Taco Time and a less dramatic attack.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Week One: We Survived!
It's been a very interesting week. It turns out that if your kitchen is the size of a postage stamp and already full of dirty dishes, your best bet is to clean the kitchen before starting the intro diet. Ah, hindsight.
We felt so miserable for the first couple of days, the dishes just kept stacking up. Then we ran out of soup, and nobody had enough energy to clean things enough to make another big pot. When a pot was made, nobody remembered to put the soup in the fridge, so it sat out and nobody wanted to eat it.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
A Look on the Bright Side
Just in case my last post about die-off syndrome put anyone off the idea of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, please take a moment to look at the reviews for the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet
on Amazon. There are 340 reviews, and 276 (more than 80 percent) are five stars.
Yes, these first few days might be rough, but so many people have achieved what would be called a "miracle cure" if it were a pill instead of a diet.
Days 1 and 2 of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet
We've been on the introductory diet for two whole days now. And wow. Just wow.
I read about "die-off syndrome." I even experienced it a little bit a few years ago when I had a candida overgrowth (which was treated with fungicides, not diet, and probably didn't go away completely). I thought it would be really rough for James, but a walk in the park for me, because I'm not the one with the undiagnosed gastrointestinal disease.
I don't think I've ever been more wrong in my life.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Preparing for Day One
Monday, June 4, is the Day We Begin.
Technically today. But I haven't gone to bed yet, so for me, it's tomorrow.
Today (really yesterday), I prepared. I'd already de-gluten-ized the kitchen about a week ago. We haven't bought many SCD-illegal products in the past few weeks, in anticipation of starting the diet. So what did I do today, you ask?
Sunday, June 3, 2012
A Brief History: the Events that Brought Us to SCD
It all started in November of 2011.
Well, actually, it probably started long, long before that. Trouble was brewing, undetected, for years before it finally became A Big Problem.
We thought it was a stomach bug, maybe a bad reaction to food. James was sick. Very sick. Convincing James to go see the doctor was very much like convincing a fish not to swim. But, after an entire day, he went. He was admitted to the hospital. The next day, he had what we would come to call an "attack" or "episode," thought to be caused by his gall bladder. Gall bladder-less, he seemed to improve, and was discharged.
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