Meet the Family


The man with the Mystery Illness, described by his primary care physician as "a head scratcher." James has been dealing with devastating digestive issues since November 2011. The doctors and specialists have done every test they could think of, to no avail. Every test came back normal, throughout multiple hospital visits. James is the reason we are giving the Specific Carbohydrate Diet a shot.


Your narrator, researcher, information-seeker, and hopefully reformed sugar addict. I'm actually very excited to try this diet. I want to do it with James so that (a) he doesn't have to do it alone, and (b) he doesn't have to watch someone eat non-SCD-legal foods in front of him all the time. I think it'll be easier for him if there's not illegal foods in the house. And based on what I've read so far, this diet does nothing but amazingly good things for those who stick to it, so why not?


Our almost-1-year-old baby girl, Shelby is going to reap a lifetime of rewards from our healthier eating habits.